Spaceship Earth Res. Proj.–TSERP Economy is culture; it is a system of common believes,of values and issues; in this field decisions take place.In our proposal we consider humanity a comunity left on a spaceship.The limitation of resources impose to the future world to accept and find out a way to survive.Once,aware of the limit of our present model of globalization,we need new model of ecology,production and consumption to survive,to have the opportunity of building the society of future.Design can be defined as a close-up look at things in the world and the representations that people make of them..It can therefore also be considered as a closeup look at large things,entire territories,or even as a means of zoomingin on small,infinitesimal things.We propose a reflection on this two sides of scale.In one hand we have the unbelivable grown of urban areas in Asia in the last 25years; megalopolis of millions of people rapidly growt because of a new and unknown historical fenomenous.